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Read MoreHello there!
Would you like to add to your site a snowing effect like you see on this page?
Read MoreToday I want to share with you a couple of neat tricks that can help you save some time.
Read MoreTips for affiliate marketers
Here are some tips to help you increase your affiliate profits this month.
1. Create an Affiliate Store Dedicated to Black Friday and/or Cyber Monday Deals.
Amazon even made it easier for you to pick products to promote by having a Black Friday deals page.
Pick your favorite niche from the left column of links on the page and use the product selection to create new affiliate store.
One of the best tools for creating affiliate stores quickly currently is Covert Store Builder.
If you don’t have a copy of it yet, I suggest you pick it up today as it’s being re-launched for a couple of days and you can get it at a discounted price.
2. Promote Daily Deals With New Post Every Day.
Many retailers started promoting Black Friday deals early this year.
Amazon is having a Black Friday Deals Week which will kick off on Monday next week.
Expect flash sales with heavily discounted popular items every day.
Make sure to create a post outlining best deals daily and promote the crap out of them on Facebook etc
3. Use Black Friday Banners On All Of Your Affiliate Sites.
Login to your Amazon associates site (affiliate-program.amazon.com) and go to Offers – Deals & Promotions page.
You’ll find a decent selection of Black Friday themed banners with your affiliate links.
Add these banners to sidebar on every affiliate site you have.
Bonus tip
Use these banners with my plugin WP Bounce and promote the deals to bouncing visitors via an exit pop like so:
4. Take Advantage Of The Black Friday Craze To Build An Email List
Instead of sending visitors directly to affiliate link, ask them to enter their email address and build a list.
You can send them to the affiliate link (Black Friday deals page) right after they confirm their email.
Yes, you will have less clicks as fewer people will agree to opt in but you are going to make more money in the long run.
You can use the list to send subscribers deals all week.
And when the Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over, you can send them other discounts for almost any holiday in the future.
5. Use Other Affiliate Networks
Amazon Associate Program is one of the most popular affiliate networks and the products convert really well.
People trust Amazon and don’t think twice about buying from the site.
However you can get much better commission percentage with other affiliate networks.
My two favorite ones are Commission Junction (cj.com) and ShareASale (shareasale.com)
You can often find products and deals not available anywhere else thus you’ll have less competition.
The holiday spirit has kickstarted already and believe it or not, most of the businesses in my town decorated their windows with reindeers and such already.
Does this picture come to mind, anyone?
Pick up your copy here:
Hi there!
I’d like to share with you a cool little plugin I developed that MAKES YOUR LINKS ROLL!
The plugin is called Rolling Links.
Just put your mouse over any of the links in this post to see the demo.
Pretty cool, huh?
You can get this plugin for free here:
=> http://www.pluginsbyigor.com/go/rollinglinks.php
Note: The plugin supports Firefox, Chrome and Safari browsers.
Sadly IE is still lagging behind on some Internet standards.
Hey there!
Today I want to share with you a neat trick that can help you get more traffic and potentially more sales.
Google’s Image search can deliver some good amounts of traffic.
That traffic can even convert into sales for the types of products where people tend to search visually.
For example my affiliate site with baby related products is getting a lot of visitors and sales that way.
That actually makes sense.
Looking for things like baby cribs or baby clothes is convenient using image search.
All the hard work is done for you already!
==> Click Here for More Details
Here’s What Azon Lister Pro V2 Will Do For You:
Read MoreHere’s a quick video about installing Auto CompareZon for the first time.