No Site Hosting Fees Until 2022

Here’s why you need 3 For 1 Hosting:

Get your 3 For 1 Hosting account here:


Get 3 For 1 Hosting + All Bonuses

What Is 3 For 1 Hosting?

In a nutshell – you get 3 years of a high-quality fast website hosting buy only pay for 1 year.

It’s got all the nice features of the big-name hosting companies (BlueHost, 1and1, etc).
But unlike those well-known guys, your hosting bill doesn’t go towards paying for celebrity endorsements and national TV ads.
Instead, it goes towards paying for top-notch servers and reliable software that make your sites load fast.

Without all the flashy multi-million dollar commercials, they are able to save and pass on those savings to you – the customer.

Here’s What’s Included

Top of The Line Hardware – Gives You Blazing Speeds

Specifically, a minimum of Dual Xeon L5630 with 8 Cores (16 HT Cores), 96 GB DDR3 RAM, SSD Storage for OS and MySQL with RAID Enterprise Sata Storage, connected via 1Gbps Network. If you’re a non-techie, this just translates to having a great server that is as fast as a speeding bullet! No more potential buyers (or Google) turned off by waiting for your website to load.

Top of The Line Software For Faster Loading Sites

We use Litespeed Web Server. If you’re not techie, then this means that it’s able to handle more users, any massive traffic spikes, and neutralizes DDoS attacks. Along with that, we also use CloudLinux which prevents any one website from hogging all the resources. This way we make sure your site is serviced correctly while providing dynamic site security at the same time.

24/7 Support Available Whenever You Need It

Our friendly team of support engineers have been providing dynamic support for the past 14 years. If you ever experience any issues with your hosting, simply submit a ticket and our team will help you get them resolved fast – most times within the first interaction!

99.9% Uptime Guarantee

Nothing is more important than your website being seen by your web visitors and customers. That’s why we’ll make sure that your website is up and functioning at all times. This way you’ll never drop a sale!

Unlimited Domains

We understand not everyone has just one website that they promote. That’s why we’ve decided to include the ability to host unlimited domains for your various websites and niches. Plus, it’s completely simple to add a domain to your web hosting package with hassle at all. (* see below for details)

Easy To Use cPanel Control Panel

With every Three For One Hosting account, we’ll also include an easy to use cPanel account at no extra charge. This way you can manage your hosting quickly and easily right from the start!

All The Applications You’ll Ever Need

If there’s any application you want to install on your domains, we’ve got you 100% covered. With only one click, you can install the popular applications like WordPress, Joomla, osCommerce, Gallery, and more!

Unlimited Email Accounts

Want to separate personal emails from business emails on your domains? Or even just have a separate email for billing purposes? No problem. We give you the ability to create as many email accounts as you like with no hassle.

Unlimited FTP Accounts

If you’re like most website owners, you’re probably not too technical and you have a website developer handle a lot of the technical stuff. By having an unlimited amount of FTP accounts, we give you complete control over how your files and folders are accessed without worry.

Unlimited MySQL Databases

We also give you the ability to have unlimited MySQL databases. Now you won’t have to ever worry about the limitations of installing any apps on your brand new web hosting account.

Unlimited Subdomains

Listen, sometimes you want to have multiple variations of a site on one domain or heck, even just have a site to test some things. We get it and we’ve totally got you covered. There are no limits to how many subdomains you can have. Just enter the details you want for a subdomain and you’re good to go.

Free Website Builder

You’ll also get access to the Free website builder that requires no scripting or coding. You don’t even need to know HTML! That means even if you’re the non-techie, non-programming type, you can still create a great professional looking website.

Enterprise RAID Storage

In addition to everything else, we also provide you with the incredibly fast lightning RAID storage you need to handle all the bandwidth and power needed for your websites.

Free SSL + Free Site Migration

  • SSL Certificates – No Web Browser Errors

The last thing you want is for a potential customer to come to your site and get an error stating the site isn’t safe. The other web hosting companies make you pay for SSL Certificates, but we’re going to give you an unlimited number of them when you sign up today. (*see below for details)

  • Done For You cPanel Transfer Migration

You’re already sold on signing up for Three For One Hosting, so now you’re wondering how hard it’ll be to transfer from your old web host? Not a problem at all. Just connect with our support team and we’ll get your cPanel details transferred from your old web host to ours without missing a beat. You won’t even notice the difference! (except in the speed and awesome service! 😉 )

Bonuses: 12 WordPress Plugins
Bonus #1Bonus #2Bonus #3Bonus #4Bonus #5Bonus #6Bonus #7Bonus #8Bonus #9Bonus #10Bonus #11Bonus #12

Note: These bonuses are delivered inside JVZoo area. Go to My Purchases, find Three For One Hosting, click View Details and on the bottom look for a button that says “Bonuses From Igor” ( See a screenshot )

You have to purchase Three For One Hosting from my link in order to qualify for the bonuses.

Get your 3 For 1 Hosting account here:


Get 3 For 1 Hosting + All Bonuses

About The Author

Hi, I'm Igor!
I develop awesome WordPress plugins that earn you money!


You can post comments in this post.

  • Looking forward to the launch of 3 in 1 hosting! So sick of the slow speeds of my present host.
    Do you have an idea of the launch price Igor?



    Sandy 6 years ago Reply

  • I would like to sign up for your 3-1 hosting plus would like more info!
    Thank You!

    Louise Grose 6 years ago Reply

  • Thank You Igor your info: is always great.

    Roger Harbin 6 years ago Reply

    • No problem, Roger. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

      Igor 6 years ago Reply

  • where’s the link?

    Philip Wong 6 years ago Reply

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